Private Expansion Coaching for Life & Business

Coaching Hours Dependent on Contract Duration:
✨ 4 month packages receive up to 8 Hours of Coaching Calls
✨ 6 month packages receive up to 12 Hours of Coaching Calls
✨ 12 month packages receive up to 24 Hours of Coaching Calls

All timeline options include the following for contract duration:

✨ Voxer Messaging Support
✨ Private & Group Breathwork Access
✨ Brand & Marketing Reviews
✨ Access to All Holmes School Classes or Courses
✨ Exclusive Welcome Kit

PLUS Includes Access to The Starlight Circle Membership

✨ 2+ Monthly Live Group Sessions
✨ Weekly Power-Up Prompts
✨ Resource Library
✨ Private Online Community

Click here for the monthly payment options.

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Master Your Magic – 1:1 Coaching (Pay in Full)