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Feeling stuck, stagnant, or bored? Sounds like it’s time to break free from your current orbit… Growing up, no one teaches us why we can do all the “right things” but still feel overwhelmed, uninspired, or unsuccessful. But if you’re like me, deep down you always knew that you were meant for more… Are you […]

giving you an extra helping of the inside scoop

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Feeling stuck, stagnant, or bored? Sounds like it’s time to break free from your current orbit… Growing up, no one teaches us why we can do all the “right things” but still feel overwhelmed, uninspired, or unsuccessful. But if you’re like me, deep down you always knew that you were meant for more… Are you […]

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Hey, babe, are you feeling confused about how to move forward? Not sure how to pull everything together? Or like you have lots of ideas and you don’t know how to make them all work together or what to work on first?? If you answered “yes” to any of these don’t worry – you’re not […]

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Are you running your business? 🔥⁠Or is your business running you….? 😰⁠ It is SO easy for the work to become a quickly accelerating snowball. You have to keep running faster and faster and FASTER just trying to stay ahead of it. *cue the underboob sweats*⁠ ⁠You knew building a business wasn’t going to be […]

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It’s really weird when I reflect on how my business looks completely different than I ever could have expected. And on top of that we all know that life itself has been entirely different than anything we could have predicted these last few years… (IKYK.) I would be lying if I said it has not […]

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Broken record alert! I’ve said this before and I’ll say it over and over again: Your life and your business HAVE TO support each other. You gotta know where you’re going before you can ever get there. Your personal goals feed into your business goals, which then shows you how to structure your business. It’s […]

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SOOOOO… you’re probably already a coach. 💁‍♀️ Before you roll your eyes and scroll on by, actually think about it.⁠ 🤔 If you’re working with clients and providing them life or business direction via your services…⁠ 🤔 If you run a successful business and have people sliding into your DMs on the reg asking you […]

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It’s you. It’s always been you🥹 You are the hero of your own story.🔥⁠⁠ But you can also be your own super villain… twisting the very things that make you so amazing into your personal kryptonite.😈⁠⁠ Those beautiful, glittering things that make us unique become a double-edged sword if we’re not vigilant. 💎 We overlook […]

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WHOA. 🤯 I honestly don’t know if anyone had ever asked me that before, so after that question was posed to me it really stuck with me. But I WAS confident — more than I ever had been before, and the question was surprising because I didn’t even realize it. See, the funny thing about […]

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Ever heard that one before? It can really send you into a full tailspin if you’re not careful. (Been there, done that.) But here’s the thing… It’s not your responsibility to accommodate to a potential client’s budget because they’re unwilling to fairly pay other service providers. YOU’RE IN CHARGE OF WHAT YOU CHARGE. 💣🔥 There. […]

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Remember that business you wanted to expand your life, and somehow now it’s *become* your life? 😥⁠ ⁠WHOOPS! 😅 Time to redirect, don’t ya think? ⁠ Say it with me: “Change your business to change your LIFE.”⁠ Enter Master Your Magic (link) — my personalized brand, biz, & mindset coaching program to help you work […]

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